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Col Centroamerica B-163 | Managua, Nicaragua
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(505) 2780935
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Opiniones recientes

Michael Elam 4

I liked it because it was exactly what I was looking for. Great hotel, great location, and good service for a cheap price!!
The rooms were well equipped, the food was typical nicaraguan food, yet ...

Michael Elam 4

I liked it because it was exactly what I was looking for. Great hotel, great location, and good service for a cheap price!!
The rooms were well equipped, the food was typical nicaraguan food, yet ...

Michael Elam 4

I liked it because it was exactly what I was looking for. Great hotel, great location, and good service for a cheap price!!
The rooms were well equipped, the food was typical nicaraguan food, yet ...

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HOTEL SAN LUIS 9 establecido en Managua, Nicaragua, cuenta con amplia experiencia en apart-hoteles. Conozca más sobre nosotros por teléfono. Estamos para servirle.

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4Me gusta porque:
I liked it because it was exactly what I was looking for. Great hotel, great location, and good service for a cheap price!!The rooms were well equipped, the food was typical nicaraguan food, yet delicious, and the staff was very helpful and friendly!!
4Me gusta porque:
I liked it because it was exactly what I was looking for. Great hotel, great location, and good service for a cheap price!!The rooms were well equipped, the food was typical nicaraguan food, yet delicious, and the staff was very helpful and friendly!!
4Me gusta porque:
I liked it because it was exactly what I was looking for. Great hotel, great location, and good service for a cheap price!!The rooms were well equipped, the food was typical nicaraguan food, yet delicious, and the staff was very helpful and friendly!!
4Me gusta porque:
I liked it because it was exactly what I was looking for. Great hotel, great location, and good service for a cheap price!!The rooms were well equipped, the food was typical nicaraguan food, yet delicious, and the staff was very helpful and friendly!!