Gaitan y Galo Abogados

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Gaitan y Galo Abogados
Complejo Judicial 1/2 c. al Este, Masaya | 马萨亚 (Masaya), 尼加拉瓜 (Nicaragua)
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505 25580918
Mapa - Gaitan y Galo Abogados
Mensajes Recientes

Hanae Kenshi

I wish to file a case against my ex-husband for failure to complete court ordered payments of Child Support, Spousal Support, Equitable distribution and Medical
support in our separation agreem...
Nuestra firma legal le asiste en todo tipo de Juicios: Civiles, Mercantiles, Laborales, Fiscales y nuestra especialidad es el Proceso Penal, especialmente delitos relacionados con la ley 779. Garantizamos una defensa técnica eficaz.

I wish to file a case against my ex-husband for failure to complete court ordered payments of Child Support, Spousal Support, Equitable distribution and Medical support in our separation agreement. Kindly respond to confirm your readiness to assist. I am earnestly waiting for your reply. Thanks, Hanae
