Caribbean Industrial Gases

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Industrial gas

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Cul de Sac | Marigot, Saint Martin
Email Send a message
(590) 590 87-0898
Fax number(s)
(590) 590 29-0128
Mensajes Recientes

Craig Bush

Good afternoon i have someone looking for Hydrogen bottles 200 to 350 bar and 99.9%
is this something that you can supply

Cee Marlin

Good morning,
My name is Cee Marlin, working for DaFoodio - online food ordering company on SXM. I am looking for Dry Ice for packaging material to transport ice-cream to customers. Please cont...

Vincent Cate

I would like to buy a tank of Argon gas. How big is the tank and how much does it cost? I live in Anguilla and would like the tank sent on the M. V. Captain Crissy. Can you do that? Can I pay ...

Good afternoon i have someone looking for Hydrogen bottles 200 to 350 bar and 99.9% is this something that you can supply

Good morning, My name is Cee Marlin, working for DaFoodio - online food ordering company on SXM. I am looking for Dry Ice for packaging material to transport ice-cream to customers. Please contact me asap with your prices and where to visit your shop? Kind regards, Cee Marlin

I would like to buy a tank of Argon gas. How big is the tank and how much does it cost? I live in Anguilla and would like the tank sent on the M. V. Captain Crissy. Can you do that? Can I pay by credit card? Thanks.
