Xplorer, Experiencia Cultural En El Extranjero

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Opinions récentes

Jayne King 1

This program was by far the worst program I could of EVER picked. For about the first month I was abroad in Ecuador it was alright..then things started to become really bad. An exchange student who...

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El establecimiento Xplorer, Experiencia Cultural En El Extranjero localizado en Quito, Ecuador, cuenta con experiencia en programas estudiantiles internacionales. Encuentrenos por teléfono. Será un gusto aclararle cualquier duda!

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1Des améliorations sont définitivement nécessaires parce que:
This program was by far the worst program I could of EVER picked. For about the first month I was abroad in Ecuador it was alright..then things started to become really bad. An exchange student who was by far the nicest kid I had ever met and the most deserving kid I had ever met was sent home for a reason that was not valid. When the exchange students tried to convince them that he did not deserve to be sent home and literally pulled out their rule book to show them...they had no argument and were not sure what to say. It was clear they just wanted our money and didn't care about our experience abroad. I ended up going home early because I had asked them MANY times to find me a new host family because my host mom was crazy and I felt VERY unsafe in my own house. Often times, my host mom would try to use me for my money. Each time I asked the program to find me another host family they would promise to get back to me. They never once did anything for me. In the end they informed me a third exchange student would be living with me for my last two weeks in Ecuador. I already had another exchange student living with me in our one floor apartment. This meant I was going to have to share a bed with my host sister which made me feel very UNCOMFORTABLE. This also made my real mom back home very angry and she begged me to come home early..which I did. The experience was great minus the program. Go abroad for sure, but not with this program.