La Casa de la Rumba, C.A.

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Calle Andrés Eloy Blanco Local 20 | ,
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0281 - 2871667
Mapa - La Casa de la Rumba, C.A.
Important La carte qui se trouve ici a été générée automatiquement par un service de géo-localisation, non pas par un utilisateur humain. Veuillez considérer la localisation sur la carte comme une référence.
Opinions récentes

Melissa Terrizzi 5

I love this place, i am obviously from out of town and i had to plan my weeding in Venezuela, The planers where great at coordinating all of the little details of my weeding, my decor was excellent...

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El negocio La Casa de la Rumba, C.A. situado en Barcelona, Venezuela, tiene reconocimiento en show. Contactenos, escríbanos por correo o por telefono. Será un gusto aclararle cualquier inquietud.

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5J'adore! Parce que:
I love this place, i am obviously from out of town and i had to plan my weeding in Venezuela, The planers where great at coordinating all of the little details of my weeding, my decor was excellent i told the my vision and colors and they blow me away with the decoration, also the food was great and very chick, if i had to plan my weeding all over again i would definitely do it in La Casa De La Rumba :).Love Melissa.