The Earth Line

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Mapa - The Earth Line
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Comentários recentes

Jeff Reed 1

Went shopping in the Earth Line Boutique in St. Marteen yesterday. Either the owner is a racist against American Caucasians or he is prejudice in thinking I coudn't afford his clothes. My 17 year ...

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1Definitivamente precisa de melhorar, porque:
Went shopping in the Earth Line Boutique in St. Marteen yesterday. Either the owner is a racist against American Caucasians or he is prejudice in thinking I coudn't afford his clothes. My 17 year old son walked in a few steps ahead of me and the owner said to both of us "please leave". My son who was taken back said "oh, were sorry" and the owner said "be a good boy and follow your dad out of the store". I returned a few minutes later without my son to express how rude this guy was and he just kept talking on his phone as if I weren't even there. I will be sending this message to everyone I can.