Buenos días, imposible la comunicación vía telefónica.
Estimados, viajaré el 22 de febrero desde Quito-Ecuador hacia Stuttgart-Alemania, me puede informar el peso de las maletas tanto de ida como de vuelta?.
para viajara a MUnchen cuanto cuesta el pasaje para personas de la tercera edad
Dear Sirs: Lufthansa Airlines. From my observations: In this letter I write the events on February 27, 2014 , when we: Carlos Germán Proaño Galarza with passport number 171435433-7 and Teresa Marieta Galarza Bardellini with passport number 170173049-9 staff Lufthansa airline airport Hamburg did not give me the boarding pass from Munich to Punta Cana because the employee said that the document was delivered to me at the airport in Munich, for travel from Munich to Punta Cana in the Condor airline, and it turns out that arriving at airport Munich, the staff refused Condor airline boarding pass and did not get the part of the staff of the Condor airline attention as That the 1999 Montreal Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air , Decision 619 Andean Community , CAN, Standards Harmonization of the Rights and Obligations of Users , Carriers and Operators of Air Transport , Aviation Code , Law of Civil Aviation , Elder Law , Disability Law , Special Law Galapagos Province , and other regulations set forth certain rights and obligations of users of international and domestic air transport passengers; That, based on the indicated international and national legislation deemed necessary to inform users of air transport, what their rights and obligations; And therefore , we do not receive any notice by loud-speaker that the crew of the Condor airline were waiting for us , and the staff of the office from Munich we excluded us as grotesque , and without considering the rights of passengers They cover the elderly and disabled . The Condor airline has the right to offset or compensate for air tickets and give special treatment to the elderly and disabled and most surprising is that our baggage were inside the aircraft, and do not know for what reason the employee of the office had no jurisdiction to request boarding passes , this is a complaint and demand that the airline soon resolve this situation we , otherwise , we will solve this conflict on the international level for mistreatment of passengers, and for lack of financial resources had to abstain from food and lodging for 2 days at airports in Munich and Amsterdam, and were in danger of losing their immigration status and our duties and rights were infringed because the staff of the airline Condor is not subject to the Montreal Convention 1999. We request the return of the value of air tickets, compensation for damages. Flight tickets No. LH 2087 T 27 FEB 157 HAM- MUC GALARZA/ CARLOS GERMAN LH 2087 T 27 FEB 156 HAM- MUC BARDELLINIGA/TERES CONDOR BARDELLINIGA/TERES MUC DE 4246 S 27 FEB MUC PUJ Reiterate our thanks and gratitude at your family. Best regards.