Sophie Tours Peru

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Agencias de viajes y operadores turisticos

Sophie Tours Peru

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Jr. Benjamín Quiroga 629 – Lima 31 | San Martín De Porres, Lima, Perú
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Teléfono móvil
628*7128 - 44*1067
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Mapa - Sophie Tours Peru
Opiniones recientes

Marilyn Calvin 4

You were very patient with my stop and start planning, and I appreciated that you were able to make the trip happen for me at the last moment.
In general the services were very good. The drivers/...

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Sophie Tours es una agencia de viajes que cuenta con un personal altamente capacitado, haciendo de su viaje de placer o negocio algo especial. Estamos dedicados a satisfacer todas las expectativas de su viaje, brindándole un servicio de la más alta calidad del mercado, para satisfacer sus necesidades.

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4Me gusta porque:
You were very patient with my stop and start planning, and I appreciated that you were able to make the trip happen for me at the last moment.In general the services were very good. The drivers/tour guides were on time and courteous. The hotel was pleasant enough and the people behind the desk were very nice.Thanks again for your help!.